
Physical street theatre – France / Marseille

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- Diffusion : Viva Cité (Sotteville-lès-Rouen), Beach Bash festival (Manningtree) et Dimanche d’Automne (Bretagne) en 2010 ; Jeudis du port (Brest) et Camaret sur mer en 2011 ; Z’arts Up (Béthune) en 2012

Kitschnette was created in 2004 by a collective of artists from Marseille : circus artists, actors, dancers, photographs and illustrators. They got together as research project initially, around cooking and food and they started experimenting various approaches, mixing :

  • Performing arts (circus, dance, theatre)
  • Visual arts (photography, creation of toys)
  • Culinary art (tasting original food)

Quickly, Kitschnette focuses on performing arts. The basis of their scenic work is EVERYDAY LIFE, particularly the movements and attitudes linked to food and cooking. The movements that we all do everyday with everyday life objects. The spectator immediately recognizes day-to-day cookware, movements and habits, like at home. This scenic environment appeals to our subjective experience, to a true feeling, barely questioned, though extremely important. Slowly, the artists shake, challenge and even break our habits and behaviors, using circus arts and dance, all linked by the acting.

This is how company Kitschnette instills in us their vigorous, quirky and sometimes disturbing world in our everyday routine. Spectators are taken to a sensory experience in which what they might recognize as their own reality gets mixed with a quirky world where everything is possible...

Site officiel :

Dans les reportages :

Culture Commune - Z’Arts Up, Béthune

Zap Art - Manningtree Beach Bash

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