From 20th to 30th March, the British company Bash Street Theatre is in residence at Le Fourneau thanks to the ZEPA network to work on The Strongman. Drawing from silent films, this new creation plunges us into the travelling circus universe, through the story of three characters...During these 10 days in residence, the Bash Street Theatre’s team will work under the eye of Fabrice Bisson from the company Joe Sature et ses Joyeux Osselets.
Public rehearsal:
Wednesday 28th March at 6:18 pm [Courtyard of the Patronage Laïque du Pilier Rouge, Brest (29)]
Free access to all
In partnership with the MPT, the Centre Social de Pen Ar Créac’h and the Patronage Laïque du Pilier Rouge as part of “Rendez-vous du Printemps”.