Bootworks Theatre

England / Chichester

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Une Boîte Andalouse
- Production : Hat Fair in 2008
- Programmed at : Hat Fair in 2008 ; Z’Arts Up (Béthune) in 2011

Bootworks Theatre was started by Joff Chafer in 1999. Firstly located in an abandoned shoe factory (hence the name !) in Northampton, the company is now a resident company at The ShowRoom Theatre, University of Chichester since 2006. Bootworks Theatre is a multi-faceted group of artists from a range of backgrounds committed to making high-quality, original, innovative and accessible theatre and performance. Their projects often involve a combination of disciplines which includes mask-work, puppetry, choreographies and multi-media theatre.

Photo : Une Boîte Andalouse - Z’Arts Up (2011)

Site officiel :

Dans les reportages :

Culture Commune - Z’Arts Up, Béthune

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