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Full programme of the second edition of the ArtVu seminars at Amiens University

Thursday 15 March 2012 , by Marie Bertel

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ArtVU Art/Visual/Urban Two days of Seminars and Workshops – 4th and 5th April 2012 – UFR Arts – Amiens

[**On the 4th and 5th April 2012, will be held the second edition of the ArtVU seminars at the Faculté des Arts in Amiens. This event, organised by Le Hangar in collaboration with the Picardie University and in partnership with HorsLesMurs, aims to highlight the work of artists performing in the public space and is aimed at those who are interested in community-based artistic projects.*]


10:00 am/10:30 am welcoming of participants Jean-Pierre Marcos, director of the Pôle National Cirque et Arts de la Rue d’Amiens 10:30 am/11:30 am Introduction – Anne Gonon, Responsible of studies and research for HorsLesMurs « Visual arts and street arts : what are the links ? »

11:30 am/12:30 pm John Lee, Director – Bachelor of Street Art of the Université of Winchester « Street arts and the use of the public space in United Kingdom. »

Lunch break

2:30 pm/3:30 pm Alix De Morant, co-author with Sylvie Clidière of Extérieur Danse, l’Entretemps, coll. Carnets de rue (2009) « The state of the bodies and dancing images : apparitions, impregnations, presentification »

3:30 pm/4:30 pm Susan Haedicke, professor associated to the Theatre and Performance department of the Warwick University. « Performance in public space within the university courses in United Kingdom. The case of the Warwick University. »

5:00 pm/6:00 pm Wendy Hesketh Ogilvie, artistic director of the Cie Wired Aerial Theatre and Maggie Clarke, productor « The treatment of video image in the creations of the Cie Wired Aerial Theatre »

6:00 pm/6:30 pm Eric Bézy, Projection/reliving the adventures of Tantôt, residence in the Elbeuf district of Amiens.

6:30 pm/8:00 pm Diner and cocktail (room 002) Offered by the Pôle National Cirque et Arts de la Rue d’Amiens 8 :30 pm Show (Des)astres du monde, Cie Osmosis, Place René Goblet, Amiens


10:00 am Welcoming of participants

10:15 am/ 11:15 am Ali Salmi, artistic director of the Cie Osmosis « The artistic research work on the body and the image in the creations of the cie Osmosis »

11:30 am/12:30 pm Pierre Larauza, video artist and Emmanuelle Vincent, choreographer, artistic directors of the Cie T.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e « The relation to picture, dance and to the urban landscape in the creations of the cie transitscapeLes rapports à l’image, à la danse et à l’urbain dans les créations de la compagnie Tansitscape »


14:30 pm/6:30 pm Workshop Informations and reservations : c.himmesoete@amiens-metropole.com / 03 22 35 40 49

1) PROCESSUS RESEARCH WORKSHOP BODY AND DOCUMENTATION / BODY AND PICTURE 12 students max with an experience in dance, physical theatre, circus or video UFR Arts and in the St Maurice district

Work as a pair (1 artist / 1 cameraman) Confrontation to the body / image writing process in the heart of public space, work done from the “KELB”, “WATERFLOOR” & “(DES) ASTRES DU MONDE” videos from the cie Osmosis

Speaker : Ali Salmi, artistic director of the Cie Osmosis, dancer and choreographer

2) EXPERIMENTAL WORKSHOP PICTURE / DANCE / ARCHITECTURE 15 students max from plastic arts speciality and/or having an experience of dance UFR Arts and in the St Maurice district.

This workshop will deal with the relationship between picture and dance through the live or pre recorded video-dance and the links between architecture / urban space and dance using the piece of architecture used in DISTORSIONS URBAINES from the Cie t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e.

Speakers : Pierre Larauza, video artist and architectural artist and Emmanuelle Vincent, choreographer

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