Accueil du site > Reportages > Mai des Pique-Niques 2012 > ‘Hamlet in 30 minutes’ at the Abbey of Jumièges

‘Hamlet in 30 minutes’ at the Abbey of Jumièges

lundi 21 mai 2012 , par Anne Saint-Germier (Traduction  Marie Bertel)

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

The rain and the presidential elections did not discourage the audience who came out to applaud the majestic ‘Hamlet in 30 minutes’ of the Bruitquicourt company. The magnificent ruins of the Abbey of Jumièges are a golden setting to set the scene of the Shakespeare’s famous play. Passenger through time, the performance takes the audience back to the royal court of Elseneur, domicile of the young Hamlet. Some of them will become the protagonists…Miss will be Ophélie, Madam will be the queen and Mister will be…the priest, an improvised character ! We even had the chance to see the skull of the spectre, played by a visitor of the abbey passing by. Bruitquicourt presented their Hamlet with a lot of humour. An absolute gem in the magical setting of the abbey of Jumièges !

For the English version, see you at the London Olympics…

Photos : Anne Saint-Germier

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