First day of creative work for young people from Béthune and NoFit State Circus
More than 35 young people turned up ! Gymnasts from Jeunesse Béthunoise club, dancers from the Council Dance School as well as the twirling club (les Beffynoises), musicians, circus students all met for a day of sharing and working together with Mish and Orit, artist and Artistic Director of the company.
After a few ice-breaking exercices, Mish and Orit invited groups to present their area of expertise. Just like when we met them, back in November, they all made a great impression on their audience. NoFit State Circus then suggested the groups to mix their disciplines, hip hop with modern jazz dance or gymnastics, twirling with juggling…which proved to be amazingly easy, almost natural, to the participants’ surprise ! This is NoFit State’s approach, explained and applied in a few minutes…
At the end of the day, the young people were encouraged to teach eachother their own moves. Which brought some comical moments, like when this amazing 8 year old gymnast explained a 23 year old lad how to do a walkover without falling ! After a debrief confirming everyone’s commitment to the project, Orit and Mish explained Barricade in details, showing some of their videos from previous projects like Parklife.
See you again on 16th and 17th April 2011, for a second intensive weekend, when even more people should join in…before all meet for the big day, on 20th May 2011 for Barricade’s premiere at Z’Arts Up festival !
Photos : Charles Poisson