Accueil du site > Reportages > Hat Fair 2012 > Magmanus at Hat Fair 2012

Magmanus at Hat Fair 2012

jeudi 12 juillet 2012 , par Simon Le Doaré

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Two surprising characters. One little nervous man dressed in blue, and one sturdy man in green. Laurel and Hardy modern style. And athletic. They take us on their world, telling stories, playing with the audience and reveal little by little some extracts of their incoming tricks. Then they catch a girl from the audience, make her comfortable, at a table, with a glass of red wine, and start the proper show. Juggling, hand-to-hand, handstand and impressive acrobatics on a teeterboard. Full of humor, the one hour show went so by fast, the audience is won over.

Photos : Vincent Le Goascoz


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