Accueil du site > Reportages > FAR de Morlaix > MotionHouse - An acrobatic performance on the theme of the flood

MotionHouse - An acrobatic performance on the theme of the flood

vendredi 6 août 2010 , par Julien Mazé , Sylvain Marchand (Traduction  Valérie Gooch)

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Very attached to stage narratives with which the public can identify, the English company MotionHouse performed for the first time in France, and thus exclusively in le FAR of Morlaix, its last creation « Cascades », on the theme of the flood.

Cascade tells the story of a family which, further to a floods, find herself in a house submerged by waters.

Difficult not to make a link with the events that happened in le Var last June as the movements, the gestures and the scenography show a profound realism.

During 25 minutes, a violent flood has come down on Place des Jacobins.

A real acrobatic exploit for these 4 dancers when everything is a matter of balance. With a roof of house and a lamppost as unique set, every stage of the disaster is incarnated ; From the panic due to the waters rise, to the attempts of mutual rescues, until a probably inevitable end - as a tribute to the victims (?).

Cascade draws the progress of a fight to keep the head outside the water and the feet on the ground.

« We like creating very physical, acrobatic dances, which allow us to tell a story » reminds Louise Richard, director of the company, during an interview for Ouest France.

With Cascade, MotionHouse managed to combine a serious subject with a high-level artistic performance leaving the public of the festival both impressed and bewildered by the tidal wave which took under their eyes.


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