Séquences Buissonnières

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Over the last four years, Eure County Council has organised a street-arts-orientated weekend in the amazing « Domaine d’Harcourt », in partnership with Atelier 231.

The festival has no particular theme, just a willingness to present a wide range of disciplines - poetry, circus, dance and drama - to surprise, charm and entertain young and not-so-young people in the middle of this country park including a castle and arboretum.

Every year in mid-July, between 5 to 10 companies take over the estate and perform around twenty shows accessible for all, and free - there is only a charge for the entrance of the park.

2010 edition

This year, alongside inviting a company in residence for the first time, company Artonik, company Carabosse was invited to perform Filoscope as part of ZEPA.

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