One year after, the Franco-British collaboration continues and the team is currently in residence at the Atelier 231 for another creation : “the Illusionarium”, the story of a 19th century mysterious invention inside which members of the audience get to star in a home made movie.
The residence will lead to an exceptional performance on 25th January for the 3rd edition of the Fish & Chips festival. The leading role, usually played by David Rose, the company director, will be played by Samuel, who is also in charge of the French translation.
“This project involved a number of steps”, reminds Samuel, “before arriving at the Atelier 231, we first spent a week in England, on the company’s premises to rehearse the show in French. This step was essential to identify the parts that need to be translated”.
In addition to the exceptional nature, this residence is also an opportunity for David to change certain aspects of the show thanks to his outside view.
The show will perform tomorrow at 3pm for the opening of the 3rd edition of the Fish & Chips festival. Don’t miss them....
Photos : Caroline Lelong