With a very pronounced British accent - but in French in the text - Dave performed various numbers of juggling and balancing acts with humour and dexterity.
Repeatedly, Dave also sought the children’s participation. At last, only the « good-looking, stupid and ugly » ones he specifies. But according to the raised hands, these criteria did not slow down their motivation at all.
« Sorry, it is Bristish humour » reassure the Anglo-Saxon.
But the public of Morlaix was not his only target because The Great Dave also enjoies diverting the obsession of his fellow countrymen for the tea. His Feet on the ground or in balance on his unicycle, Dave proposes for 50 minutes all the possible numbers with a cup and the famous royal teaspoon.
For the « big final », Dave will conclude his performance by throwing the teaspoon in the cup placed on his head, while balanced on his unicycle and in a wrestler’s clothes !
What is surprising for an English person ? wonders Dave in front of an enthusiastic public. « We all do that in England when the teatime rings ».
« Sorry, it is British humour ! » he says again before performing another of his « running joke » which punctuates each of his numbers « please, watch and be amazed ! » Promise held !