Accueil du site > Reportages > Bivouac à Carhaix > Blue men landing in Carhaix

Blue men landing in Carhaix

mercredi 10 mars 2010 , par Aurelien Marteaux

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Whether they are workers, accountants, parks and green spaces managers, paid staff and volunteers from Les Vieilles Charrues or people from Carhaix...from Tuesday 9th March 2010, they all have a thing in common : getting involved in the preparation of Bivouac, an emotional journey created by French company Generik Vapeur.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the « Carhaix’s 10 blue men » will be trained by three members of the Marseille-based company, before taking part in the show on Saturday 13th March , in the centre of Carhaix.
Oil drums taming (metallic animals which will make the transhumance of the show), apprenticeship of teamwork, collective choreographies, audience management, rhythm and sens given to this rock’n shock cavalcade that the National Centre for Street Arts Le Fourneau and Les Veilles Charrues hold for us. In the program of these three training evenings : Korean, Chinese, Brazilians and Brest inhabitants have already made it... the blue men of Carhaix definitely intend in turn to mark the history of this show which travels the world for 22 years...

More information on Le Fourneau web site here.

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