Accueil du site > Reportages > Viva Cité 2010, Sotteville-lès-Rouen > Viva Cité 2010 : Sotteville-lès-Rouen knocked down with feathers (...)

Viva Cité 2010 : Sotteville-lès-Rouen knocked down with feathers !

lundi 2 août 2010 , par Sylvain Marchand (Traduction  Mathilde Vautier)

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Viva Cité’s 21st edition ended a few days ago, but there are still a few feathers flying around here and there, emotional testimony left by company Les Studios Cirque de Marseille, whose performance La Place des Anges was attended by more than 10,000 people on Saturday evening, 27th June. Here is a memory of a few companies, both

Les Studios Cirque de Marseille – Place des anges

Thousand of feathers were shed by these angels hung above the Town Hall square, triggering a moment of euphoria amongst the older and younger audience, and kicking off a massive friendly feather fight !

The show is held in the air, but it does carry on on the ground. The reaction of the public was immediate, and many people rolled in the thick cottony carpet created by these incredible fireworks of feathers.

Amazing moment of connection between the public and the company, but also amongst the members of the public themselves, as no one wanted to leave the magical square. For an hour after the performance, the company played the soundtrack of the show, prolonging the extravaganza.

Carabosse – Le Filoscope

The audience gathers in front of the installation from Carabosse company. Funny machine this is, invented by the Thonessen brothers. Round the back, an old shed, in front of which stands the Filoscope’s mats.

Slowly, through anecdotes and various situations, we get to know Grand, Nénesse and Masset, the 3 brothers, and their invention, le Filoscope, a strange hybrid between a fil-neige and a merry-go-round of pictures, showing a succession of paintings, sculptures and all sorts of funny items.

The Filoscope is the support enabling the journey through their dreams, their sadness, their rivalries. One after the other, they tell their own version of the story. The audience is alert, participative and often amused about each distinct personality.

After an hour, the performers leave as they had arrived, separately, the public left standing in front of the installation, now a diary full of poetic moments !

D’irque et Fien – Le Carrousel des Moutons

The audience came on force to see the Belgium-based duet D’irque et Fien’s latest creation, Le Carrousel des Moutons. Generous and creative, the show revives our natural inclination to play and dream. D’irque, acrobat and juggler, wearing pyjamas, makes the most of his insomnia with breathtaking acts of acrobatics. Fien, the pianist, plays lovely musical box-type melodies, on a piano that sometimes rises on a vertical angle, 90° degrees from the ground.

It looks like Wonderland ! Sheep running around, a bed turned into a “flying piano”, a bedsheet into a circus tent and a brush into a trapeze… The audience takes on the journey with the artists, as if under a spell. At the end of the performance, a thunderous applause bust out, thanking the duet for their generous performance.

Mastoc Production – Vagues à l’âme

About forty people patiently wait to get in the installation set up byMastoc Production company, slightly outside the main festival area. Then suddenly, a man wearing a jacket made of lights appears and reaches out to invite the audience along : welcome to Vagues à l’âme’s world of dreams !

An installation cum performance, an artist intervention, a warm and quilted place animated by short danced plays, videos, lights, songs and words, all linked by the common theme of youth memories.

Visual journey through objects of lights, Vagues à l’âme takes the audience through an atmoshpere of intimacy and transforms the place into an unrecognizable place.

The public moves around according to what is happening around them or guided by the lights installations. The place is ideal for contemplation, and one can only cease this magical moment, alone or with friends, having a cup of mint tea or just sitting on a sofa.

P.I.P.O.T.O.TA.L. - Basculoscopie and Luc Amoros - Page Blanche

Echoeing the warm welcome received by the Amiens audience on La Fête dans la Ville the weekend before, companiesP.I.P.O.T.O.T.A.L. and Amoros experienced the same success, highly deserved, by the Sotteville community.

Indeed, the audience was amazed by the size of the installation and the precision of the movements of the Basculoscopie, P.I.P.O.T.O.T.A.L. company’s founder Philippe Geoffroy’s latest invention.

Ditto for the hundred of people who came both nights to applaude Page Blanche from Compagnie Amoros. The spectactor is gobsmacked by such an artistique feat performed by 6 European visual artists painting incredibly fast and taking down the finished work straight away, stood on a huge scaffolding divided in 9 screens.

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