From 5th to 17th March at La Fabrique Théâtrale of Culture Commune, our British friends from the WET PICNIC company are in residence for their new performance “The Birthday Party”.
The artists who are working for the Wet Picnic company since 2006 draw their inspiration from the collective creation, a process that guides each creation from the initial process to the final performance. For these “sweet crazy” who find their inspiration in physical theatre, farce and tragi-comedy, walking down the streets to meet people and touch them is the favourite medium.
"The birthday party" deals with loneliness, with everyone’s loneliness. How do we cope with Loneliness ? The Wet Picnic company uses as space for artistic research, a birthday party where a man alone is waiting for guests. Where are they ? Have they forgotten the party ? From this postulate, everything becomes possible in the Wet Picnic’s world. Inspired by James Thierrée, grandson of Charlie Chaplin as well as Samuel Beckett, our friends will therefore open the “absurd box” and use clowning arts, physical theatre and dance to wonder about their relationship to others in the public space.
« The birthday party » is a walkabout show which is still in progress. On Tuesday 13th March 2012, Culture Commune will give a singular opportunity to the company to present their work in front of the audience. Around 50 students from Nantes, who are on a study trip in the coal-mining areas, will share their feeling on this work. They have a few weeks left before performing “The birthday pary” as part of the next Z’Arts Up Festival, which will take place from 11th to 13th May 2012 in Béthune.
Next residence at La Fabrique Théâtrale :
In April, the company TUMBLE CIRCUS will be in residence at La Fabrique Théâtrale of Culture Commune for their next creation “Death or Circus”, which will be performed as part of the ZEPA network at the next Z’Arts Up Festival, street arts festival in Béthune from 11th to 13th May 2012.