At the sight of these thousand wicks carefully scattered around Mont-Liébaut by the company Carabosse, one would think that the fire would just suddenly erupt and create the promised bonfire. But no. It’s one by one that they light up launching ramps, chains and towers.
The members of Carabosse, brandishing their blasters, slowly and quietly moved forward as the music was rising and the day was falling. The crowd, also silent, was following, like a procession. One could only hear « the smooth night walking » as Beaudelaire would say. And one would start dreaming, pretending to see Delphi’s vestals lighting up the sacred path leading to the Oracle.
Many found it difficult to move away from this unique promenade, looking at this improbable metal tight-rope walker acrobat on wheels, gobesmacked, like children, while huge flares were piercing through the darkness, as if one found oil in the area !
The night was warming up, like the seaside does out there, overseas, and the eyes were filling up with these amazingly soothing flames. There they were, all these generations, from babies to grannies, gathered around the fire, this precious fire that, needless to remind oneself, marked the origins of Humanity.
From this magical and beautiful evening, any member of the local community in Mont Liébaut would undoubtedly be proud to have seen that the place of their day-to-day life, that can sometimes look a bit grim, can also sparkle like the most beautiful avenues in the world.
Stroll along with the local community through Carabosse’s installations
Slideshow (16 pictures)