Yes, all right : you need quite a lot of time, sometimes a very long time, to organise all the Z’Arts Up events, and getting started the week before is not the solution. However, it is always quite an event when the first team to start arrives on site.
That’s what happened last Sunday, in a cheerful atmosphere with Carabosse’s installations in Béthune, a company promising to « set things on fire ». Not Johnny Cash’s style, i.e not through lyrics. « Rings of fire » for Carabosse is not a metaphor, as they have always showed the audience, an audience not only attracted by the flickering flames, but by something much more profound, something that unites, going back to the origins of Humanity.
It was a cheerful diner in Béthune, last Sunday, with anecdotes from memories of past touring. In Villeurbanne, for instance, where the artists noticed that there were no public benches to be seen anywhere. A way to put tramps away, they thought. But they got round this « shortage » : they found a bamboo-maker, selling up to 12m high bamboo plants, so they grabbed the opportunity, as well as the bamboos, and « made do », as they said, mixing bamboos, pieces of metal and fire...It was memorable we believe.
OK, so what did they find in Béthune then ? What have they got up their sleeves ? Well I’m afraid you’ll have to come down to Mont-Liébaut on Friday night to find out. And we’ve got the feeling that it won’t be a wasted journey...
To be continued...