SeaChange Arts Creative Producer Laurie Miller-Zutshi went to visit No Fit State Company at the Norwich and Norwich Festival last week. The company have been working in a park in Norwich rehearsing and running workshops for the community. Laurie went to talk to Ali from the company to find out more about how the company collaborate with the community as No Fit State will be coming to Great Yarmouth next year to perform at the Out There Festival.
Laurie watched the company rehearse for their show ’Park Life’ and was given a backstage tour by Ali. She also met company members and spoke to them about the community engagement in the show.
The process includes open-house sessions for anyone in the community to turn up and have a go at learning circus skills ; pre-booked creative sessions for schools and local groups including dance, drama, acrobatics and free runners ; and collaboration with local professional artists. These participants are then offered the chance to perform alongside No Fit State in the show. Laurie said “It was really useful to go and meet No Fit State and see their work firsthand. I was able to find out about the community participation elements in their work and think about how this will work in Great Yarmouth”.