Accueil du site > Reportages > Z’Arts Up à Béthune > The audience, integral part of the show

The audience, integral part of the show

mardi 4 mai 2010 , par Camille Masserann

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

This weekend, in quite a few occasions, the audience took part in the shows, either to play a part or reinvent the whole story. Whether it was a random intervention or they were convinced by the artists, members of the audience often found themselves becoming actors.

In the public space, performances were obviously developed around the artists themselves, but also mainly around the reaction of the audience. How many times has Leandre fallen for his own game game because of (or thanks to !) an audience always reinventing the show ? From the mecanics who can’t repair doors to the clown eating a birthday cake, the members of the public have become the top dogs or comedians themselves.

As the festival developed, the audience became more and more confident, and was quite happy to get involved in the shows. Between the audience and the artist, one could wonder who would surprise the other !

In Kamchàtka, the performers took the members of the public one by one to make them sit down in lines, then they invited people to share a kiss, initiating a long series of cuddles.

Unexpected cuddles again, with the two tiny puppets from Flying Buttresses company, scrolling around Béthune, speaking in a charming mix of French and English.

From set shows to improvisations, the relationship between the artists and the audience grew stronger and with more and more complicity. Just like in front of the church, where the wind was blowing the artists’ dresses (On / Off company), triggering a general laugh from the audience. The public also enjoyed acting as « the happy people » in « La Trilogie du petit pays » by Les Batteurs de Pavé or the rebellious people in « 1789 Seconds » (CIA company).

Z’arts Up’s motto based on sharing, including sharing with the audience, was definitely achieved. We want more of it !

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