The ZEPA network (European Zone of Artistic Projects) aims to develop street theatre throughout the European region covering Southern England (Brighton, Southampton, Norfolk and Hampshire for England) and Northern France (Pas-de-Calais, Picardie, Normandy and Brittany). Supported by the European Commission’s Interreg IVA France (Channel) England programme, its objective is to share resources, skills and experiences to jointly develop cross-border activities and projects from 2008 to 2012.
Create opportunities for creative exchanges between local people, artists and other creative professionals in the partnership
Implement high quality and ambitious artistic projects in the ZEPA region through production, commissioning, distribution, documentation and training
Develop joint cross-border work, sharing and exchanging good practice
Support access to culture for all, including working with deprived communities
Enable the development of a European consciousness and citizenship across the ZEPA area
Contribute to social, economic and cultural development in the region through community engagement and the enjoyment of our built and cultural heritage
The various projects are supported by EU funding. From 2008 to 2012, the total budget for ZEPA is 6 220 338 €. Half of the budget comes from the EU, and the other half from each partner organisation’s own budget.
The associate companies, common link in the life of the network The 9 members of the ZEPA network have chosen two associate companies, NoFit State Circus in England and Générik Vapeur in France. The companies will be creating work for the ZEPA partners, artistic journeys in 9 specific areas that the artists will interpret and represent in their show, performed in 2011 and 2012.
Artistic exchanges through the "shared" companies The project also puts the emphasis on the development of artistic projects in which two or more partners on each side of the Channel work with the same company (hence “shared”) in their own respective area. It can be through creation, translation or adaptation residencies, community and outreach work, programming, etc., with the aim of presenting these projects within the European Zone of Artistic Projects.
The ZEPA region at the heart of the project’s activities Each of the 9 partners of the network is well known in their region, thanks to projects they develop with local ‘second tier’ partners : programming ZEPA artistic projects in partnership with local authorities or local art and cultural organisations ; street-theatre education sessions with a cross border element, with schools or universities, etc. This approach will lead to an exchange of skills and increase awareness of the ZEPA partnership’s activities both across the ZEPA region and at a local level.
These many objectives aim to offer audiences and areas a coherent artistic project for all.