Accueil du site > Reportages > NoFit State et Eostiged Ar Stangala à Guipavas > Volunteers get involved with NoFit State at Guipavas

Volunteers get involved with NoFit State at Guipavas

mercredi 30 mai 2012 , par Emeline Jersol , Jean-Marie Grall (Traduction  Marie Bertel)

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

[*Sunday 27th May*]

This is a premiere in Guipavas this Sunday 27th May. As part of the Barricade performance presented during the 4th edition of Temps Bourg on Saturday 7th July, Orit Azaz stage Director of the British company NoFit State Circus met and worked with volunteers from Dédale de Clown led by Yano Benay.

On the agenda : presentation of the show, role-play situation on the show’s location, work around a clown walkabout.

Next preparatory workshops in June.

- More info :

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