First pictures of the event on the Nuffield Theatre website (Photos : Richard Budd)
How to make sure that thousand of people turn up at an event...when it happens the day after it was meant to happen ??This is what Southampton and the Nuffield Theatre had to deal with, as strong winds prevented Waterlitz from Générik Vapeur to be performed as planned on Saturday 16th June. The Omni Ideal X is sturdy ; the ptoential hazard comes from the huge crane on site, also part of the show. Waterlitz was therefore postponed to Sunday 17th June.
So they leafleted the whole city, handing out flyers with the new date on, chased up the media, changed the road signs, convinced the couple of hundred spectactors who turned up at the venue on Saturday to come back the day after...And you need efficient teams, like staff from the Nuffield Theatre or Southampton City Council, and artists eager to perform regardless, like Générik Vapeur.
And finally, 3 000 people showed up, at 10pm, that Sunday. Like @Josley94, who tweeted ’Spent all evening at #waterlitz in the park. Got soaked but what a fantastic event ! Omni man was amazing & loved the show !’ ; or @beckypants, who said ’[...] It’s insane...but I love it !’.
Photo logo : DR @darrenpaffey